High temp with i7-860 | Intel Communities Just received replacement i7-860 by RMA, and tried stress testing yesterday, the core temp easily went up to 99 degree C within several ...
Intel® 固態式硬碟(SSD), 特色 概覽藉由結合SSD NAND 管理技術與NAND 矽晶片增強功能,高耐用性 ... 規格,以及適用於小型外觀型態客戶(如全功能桌上型電腦與筆記型電腦) 的mSATA 規格。
ARK | Intel® SSD 520 Series (240GB, 2.5in SATA 6Gb/s, 25nm, MLC) ARK | Intel® SSD 520 Series (240GB, 2.5in SATA 6Gb/s, 25nm, MLC) 快速參考指南,包括規格、特色、價格、相容性、設計文件、訂購代碼、規格代碼及其他相關資訊。
Intel SSD 320 Review (300GB) - Storage Reviews 2011年3月28日 - The Intel SSD 320 is the much anticipated follow-up to the Intel X25-M, ... It gives Intel total control of the components, from controller to flash, ...
7mm sata III ssd? - Intel Communities, Blogs, and Social@Intel Currently, Intel only has 2.5" SATA 3Gb/s SSDs that can be converted to 7mm with removal of the "picture frame bracket". Only the Intel 510 is a SATA 6Gb/s SSD and that comes only in the 9.5mm 2.5" form factor.
How to find 7mm Intel SSD 510 in Germany | Intel Communities Hi, im really interested in the intel SSD 510 (120GB). Unfortunately im using a Notebook with a 7mm hd drive. On ... You are asking about the 510 SSD, but the link you included was for the 520 SSD, which is new and different. The 510 will be discontinued
TP非官方情報站»Blog Archive » Intel 320-Series 160GB SSD vs. Memoright FTM-25 240GB(7mm) SSD Intel已經有推出2.5"的SATA-III SSD(510-Series),可惜外殼高度是9.5mm,因此無法搭配Huron River平台的ThinkPad 使用。雖然Micron也有推出SATA-III介面的7mm厚度SSD,但零售市場似乎買不到。站長期待擁有韌體調整能力與電路設計能力的Memoright能推出 ...
Intel® 固態式硬碟(SSD), 特色 Intel® 固態式硬碟510 系列(Intel® SSD) 利用每秒6 個十億位元(Gb/s) 的效能,和以 Intel® NAND 快閃記憶體為主、備受 ...
7mm sata III ssd? | Intel Communities Only the Intel 510 is a SATA 6Gb/s SSD and that comes only ... If that were 7mm drive I'd be running it.
以SandForce主控搶佔高階市場,詳測Intel SSD ... - TP非官方情報站 2012年5月12日 ... 所以我們看到Intel在SSD 510系列開始採用Marvell的主控晶片,但實際上 .... 先拆下 螺絲,拿掉最上方的黑色膠框後,SSD的本體厚度就只剩7mm,讓它有機會可以裝進 X220i等輕薄機型內。